Combining motherhood with the Executive MBA
Emma Kent is Director of Construction for the Metropolitan Police, a Cambridge Executive MBA participant, and mother to a daughter under a year old. Here, she tells us what it’s like balancing three incredibly important and demanding roles.
40 shades of green: conservation finance
Dr Eugenie Regan, Manager for UNEP-WCMC’s Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool and Cambridge Executive MBA 2018 participant, presents an overview of different types of conservation finance.
Women empowering women: How I started my Cambridge Executive MBA adventure
Dr Bola Grace, a recipient of the Executive MBA Scholarship for Women, reflects on how she got started on her Cambridge EMBA journey.
My experience on the International Business Study Trip to São Paolo, Brazil
In March 2019, 116 Executive MBA participants from the 2018 cohort descended on São Paolo, Brazil, for the International Business Study Trip (IBST) week.
Wouter Schuitemaker (EMBA 2018) tells us about his experience.
Employee of the Month – the MD does your duty!
Bus company director Charlie Hamilton (EMBA 2017) wanted to recognise – and learn from – the hard work of his employees. His new scheme gave one of his nominated staffers a day off, whilst he looked after their 12-hour cleaning shift.
A very international EMBA programme
It has been over a year since Jiaqi Nie (EMBA 2017) first began his EMBA journey at Cambridge. Learn about his international travels and experiences in his latest post.
Leadership in a bus company
Bus company director Charlie Hamilton (EMBA 2017) explains how learning to drive his own buses will enable him to lead his colleagues more effectively.
USA vs UK – comparing the cost of my Executive MBA programme
Paul Kenyon, Head of Sales and Relationship Management for the New York Stock Exchange, explains how flying to the UK for his Executive MBA is more cost-effective than studying at an American business school.
EMBA cohort hosts talent show fundraiser for Pencils of Promise
On September 8 2018, the EMBA Class of 2017 hosts a Pencils of Promise (PoP) charity talent show at Peterhouse College, Cambridge.
Wedding bells and graduation gowns – my final EMBA adventure
Brooke Bornick (EMBA 2016) married her EMBA classmate – Sébastien Long – in Cambridge, the day before their University graduation. Brooke reflects on her final weekend in Cambridge before starting her new family life – and business ventures – in Texas.