What a difference an EMBA makes!
From Cambridge Judge Business School to CEO (part 2)
A blog post written by Jayson Jiang (EMBA 2020)
What a difference an EMBA makes!
From Cambridge Judge Business School to CEO (part 1)
A blog post written by Maxim Ryzhkov (EMBA 2020)
中国之旅 4 | 深圳 – 第二部分
China Trek 4 | Shenzhen – part 2
深圳(第二部分)| 中国之旅的最后一站,由我们 EMBA 2022 级学生组织的为期一周的中国之旅。Chad Toerien(EMBA 2022 级)分享了他的经历。
Chad Toerien (EMBA 2022) writes about day 6 of the China Trek, a week-long journey through China.
中国之旅 4 | 深圳 – 第一部分
China Trek 4 | Shenzhen – part 1
深圳(第一部分)| 中国之旅的最后一站,由我们 EMBA 2022 级学生组织的为期一周的中国之旅。Jesús Ortiz(EMBA 2022 级)分享了他的经历。
Jesús Ortiz (EMBA 2022) writes about days 4-6 of the China Trek, a week-long journey through China.
中国之旅 3 | 横琴
China Trek 3 | Hengqin
Alicia Lirola Rodriguez 和 Karol Bernal(均为EMBA 2022)撰写了关于中国之旅的第三篇文章,记录了由剑桥大学EMBA 2022届成员组织的一周中国之旅。
Alicia Lirola Rodriguez and Karol Bernal (both EMBA 2022) write about day 3 of the China Trek, a week-long journey through China.
中国之旅2 | 香港
China Trek 2 | Hong Kong
Alistair Wye(EMBA 2022)撰写了关于中国之旅的系列文章中的第二篇,记录了由剑桥大学EMBA 2022届成员组织的一周中国之旅。
Alistair Wye (EMBA 2022) writes the second in a series of posts about the China Trek, a week-long journey through China, organised by members of our EMBA 2022 cohort.
中国之旅 1 | 探索中国粤港澳大湾区:金融、科技与创新中心的旅程
China Trek 1 | Exploring China’s Greater Bay Area: a journey through the heart of finance, technology and innovation.
作者:Anyu Gao(EMBA 2022)
Written by Anyu Gao(EMBA 2022)
‘Free to be me’
In 2024, from 18 July until 17 August, the UK celebrates South Asian Heritage Month (SAHM). Jayprit Serai (EMBA student 2023) reflects on her own sense of identity.
China Trek 4 | Shenzhen – part 2
Shenzhen (part 2) | The final leg of the China Trek, a week-long journey through China organised by members of our EMBA 2022 cohort. Chad Toerien (EMBA 2022) shares his experiences.
China Trek 4 | Shenzhen – part 1
Shenzhen (part 1) | The final leg of the China Trek, a week-long journey through China organised by members of our EMBA 2022 cohort. Jesús Ortiz (EMBA 2022) shares his experiences.